ABOUT Trade Fundamentals

About us

In today's era more people are looking to invest in a wide range of assets including stocks, commodities and currencies due to low interest rates, low growth and high volatility. Trade Fundamnetals provides daily fundamental data for stocks, commodities, currencies and cryptocurrencies. Our aim is to provide personalised reporting for you. So you have full clarity and control over your portfolio though detailed researching tools that are key to any investor who is looking to invest.

Why Sign up?

When you sign up with Trade Fundamentals you will be able to take advantage of all our features with a 30 day free trial. Some of the features include daily email alerts, personalised dashboards, filtering on specific fundamentals, integrating your research links, personalised reporting and the ability to add alerts when stocks hit certain thresholds. To see the full list of features please see our features section.

Who we are?

We are a group of highly specialised analysts who have been in the financial industry for many years. We see the value in being able to easily manage your portfolio and provide insights into the best stocks that are right for you.


Trade Fundamentals Testimonials

A useful site I use daily to help me research and track my portfolio stocks. My portfolio is up 57% for the year at the moment and this site has helped me track my stocks. I especially like the dynamic stop loss and limit feature when entering the current stock amount I am about to track.

John R

I find Trade Fundamentals very easy to use. I often search for a stock here and then click on the set of research links I have set up to ensure i'm investing based on analyst recommendations across the board.

Michael I

Trade Fundamentals is a great site to add to your current research portfolio. Stocks can obviously carry risks but I find this site helps me track my stocks, find new stocks to research and then I can simply click on my research links to review stocks I am interested in.

Debbie C

Trade Fundamentals is really easy to use and get to grips wtih. I can search for any stock in the NASDAQ & NYSE easily. I especially like the dynamic stop loss and limit feature when entering the current stock amount I am about to track.

David G

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